Accrediating Process Offically Started for the Evangelical Academy in Vienna!

This morning I sent an email to the European Evangelical Accrediting Association (EEAA).  I sent our applications for three of our programs to be accrediated.  This is the first official step of the accrediation process.  I have been working this past year working with a great group of workers at the Evangelical Academy EVAK gathering and creating documents for this application.  We will have an onsite visit from the EEAA in January 2010.  They will sit in on classes, talk with students and evaluate our office and our proceedures.  Okay, so your eyes might be glazed over right now but this is important work and really helps the school’s crediblitity in the sight of the churches here in Austria and also anyone else who wants to know who we are and what we stand for.  We will be identified with over 800 schools internationally.  Securing the accrediation we will also be able to have students transfer to any theological school in the world that is also accrediated within the network of Theological Schools.  We already have a student who has studied in the states and wants to to take some classes here to count for his degree.  His school heard that we were in the process of applying for accrediation and they that was good enough and that they would accept whatever credits he earns at our academy.  There is still more work to be done for the visit in January but we are really in a good position.

Other exciting news is 10 new students have signed up for classes this fall.  The school semester in Europe starts in October and we have a few new students who fit our target group!  Those who want to work either part- or full-time in a ministry!  We are excited for these new students and pray that they will gain the knowledge and experience that will equipp them to minister effectively.


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